Friday, September 14, 2012

Sketchbooks and More Projects


We keep sketchbook journals in Art I and II.  Sketchbook assignments are assigned in class, but most of the time students work on them at home. 

Art I Sketchbook Assignment "My Feet" was a really funny sketchbook assignment.  Students had to draw their feet from their perspective.  This is a difficult perspective to draw from, so we had a lot of laughs in class.

My Feet 


Art II Students finished their children's book illustrations.  Below are some detail shots of their work.  The paintings were to large to photograph with my camera without losing line quality, so I had to take detail shots.

Coming Soon......

Art I is almost finished with the "Bits and Pieces" Design project.  Next week they will begin drawing wild animals in pencil.  While working on this project, they will learn about shading techniques in pencil and about the importance of contrast and value in drawing.

Art II will be working on a new project called "Rooms to View".  This project was inspired by the paintings of Fauve artist Henri Matisse.  The students will look at examples of Matisse's work and observe the Fauve style along with Matisse's ability to work with color, pattern and design within a given space.  We will also talk about distortions in perspective. 

Art III, IV and Honors Art have been very busy working on their independent studies.  We have some interesting projects in the works.  Color pencil drawings, clay, paintings, pencil drawings and some found object relief sculpture in progress.  Here is a sneak peak of them at work.

Art I students trying to beat the clock and finish up on the "Bits and Pieces" Project.

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