Friday, October 26, 2012

Lots of New Art Work


Time is a precious thing!  It has been weeks since I have been able to post and I have really missed giving updates on the student's work!  I was having a hard time getting into the site that I blog from, but finally today was able to get in.


Art I students have been really busy.  Two weeks ago, we completed still life drawings in oil pastels.  The following week, they did pin hole art.  I have photos of some projects from both units.
TAKE A LOOK!  They did great!

The Pin Hole pieces are all portraits of important historical figures throughout the centuries.  Can you guess who they are?

Coming soon.....Flower drawings in black ink and other ink projects.


The Art II students completed the student choice projects that we did on very large pieces of cardboard.  The smallest piece was about 24x36.  These paintings took a while to do, but I think everyone was happy with the outcome.

Here are a few to view........

Coming soon in art 2......

Pieced Portraits

In Our Sketchbooks

Art I will be working on human anatomy sketches.  This week they were assigned the human skeleton and the skull.

Art II will be given an illustration assignment based on Edgar Allen Poe's THE RAVEN.

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