Thursday, February 27, 2014

Beginning of the 4th Quarter Starts Next Week!

Summertime, Summertime, SUM< SUM<Summertime....Summmmmertimmmmmeuuuuuhhhhhh!!!

Ok, well not quite yet, but we are close and we all know how fast that 4th Quarter goes!

We have been busy shoveling snow, sledding, and watching old movies on TV this winter.  We missed some school but we still have managed to catch up and get back on track for our upcoming art show in May.

Here is what we have been up to in ART I

We painted peacocks!  Students worked from stock photography that we found on-line to get an idea of the over all shape of the bird and the original colors for those who wanted to work more realistically. Students  were encouraged to change colors and add imagination to the painting if they so desired.
I love these results.

Wow!  I am as proud as a peacock with my ART I kids!


We finished our shoe project between snow storms.  The shoe project was so much fun to watch them do.  There are some challenges to painting on 3 dimensional surfaces, but they did a fantastic job!

The shoes are on display in our media center.  We added Bible verses that had to do with feet to our display.  Many have commented on how much they like the shoes!

Last week ART II completed  mixed media paintings.

 Coming Up.....

Flower Paintings all the way around!  We need SPRING!

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