Thursday, September 26, 2013

Better Late Than Never

Well, I thought I was going to post every week, but this school year has proven to be a very busy one!  So, I have compiled a lot of art work for you to view.

Here is what we are up to....
Art I is currently working on pencil drawings of objects.  This project will help students learn how to use all the new techniques that we learned in class.  
Last week, the art 1 students completed a project that we called word art.  This project had a purpose and a function.  The words were used to decorate our cafeteria walls.  
Here are some examples.

As you can see the words are full of black and white designs done in Sharpie.

The Mandala designs turned out great too, but I only have one example to post.  The others got deleted by accident.

Art II student are currently working on Magazine Mosaics.  This is one of my favorite projects.  It does take quite a bit of time, but it is so worth it in the end.
Last week, they completed watercolor paintings of teacups.

Mentionable Sketchbook Assignments

 Student Choice Sketchbook Assignment
Hannah Angel

 Student Choice Sketchbook Assignment
Hannah Severs

 Sketchbook Assignment-Salt and Pepper
Allie Cole
The students were given the title: Salt and Pepper and then told to interpret it in the media of their choice.  This one was the most creative out of 44 students.  She actually used salt and pepper in the composition.


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